Results Of The Meeting Of Unitholders Held On 15 January 2025

Results Of The Meeting Of Unitholders Held On 15 January 2025

Terms not defined in this Announcement shall have the same meanings as used in the circular to unitholders of the Fund (the “Unitholders”) dated 24 December 2024 (the “Circular”).

We, Principal Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd (the “Manager”), the manager of the Fund, wish to announce that at the meeting of Unitholders (the “Meeting”) held on 15 January 2025, the resolution relating to the proposed termination of the Fund (the “Resolution”) set out in the notice of the Meeting dated 24 December 2024 (the “Notice of Meeting”), and put to vote by poll at the Meeting, was duly passed.

The information as required under Rule 704(16) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST is set out below:

A. Breakdown of all valid votes cast at the Meeting

Unitholders holding an aggregate of 5,000 Units have abstained from voting at the Meeting on the Resolution.

Please refer to the Notice of Meeting for the full version of the Resolution. As at least 75% of votes were cast in favour of the Resolution, the Resolution was duly passed at the Meeting.

B. Details of parties who are required to abstain from voting on any resolution(s), including the number of Units held and the individual resolution(s) on which they are required to abstain from voting

As set out in paragraph 6 of the Letter to Unitholders of the Circular:

  1. each of the Manager and Citicorp Trustee (Singapore) Limited (the “Trustee”) will abstain, and will procure that its Connected Persons (as defined under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore and the Listing Manual of the SGXST) abstain, from voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution. The Manager and the Trustee and any of their respective Connected Persons will also not accept nomination as proxies or otherwise for voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution unless specific instructions have been given in the instrument of proxy on how Unitholders wish their votes to be cast for the Resolution;
  2. except for Units held by Citibank, N.A., Singapore Branch (being the Custodian) or any of its Connected Persons on behalf of their clients for which specific instructions have been given on how they wish their votes to be cast for the Resolution, Citibank, N.A., Singapore Branch will abstain, and will procure that its Connected Persons abstain, from voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution. Citibank, N.A., Singapore Branch or any of its Connected Persons will also not accept nomination as proxies or otherwise for voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution unless specific instructions have been given in the instrument of proxy on how Unitholders wish their votes to be cast for the Resolution; and
  3. Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities Pte. Ltd. (being a Participating Dealer) will abstain from voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution. Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities Pte. Ltd. will also not accept nomination as proxies or otherwise for voting at the Meeting in respect of the Resolution unless specific instructions have been given in the instrument of proxy on how Unitholders wish their votes to be cast for the Resolution.

Based on the information available to the Manager as at the date of the Meeting on 15 January 2025, the following parties who were required to abstain from voting do not hold any Units:

(i) the Manager namely Principal Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd;

(ii) the Trustee namely, Citicorp Trustee (Singapore) Limited;

(iii) the Custodian namely, Citibank, N.A., Singapore Branch; and

(iv) the Participating Dealer namely, Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities Pte. Ltd.

C. Name of firm and/or person appointed as scrutineer

Tricor Singapore Pte Ltd was appointed as scrutineer for the Meeting.

Principal Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd
As Manager of Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF

Christopher Leow
Chief Executive Officer
15 January 2025

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