Online Reporting
Unethical, illegal or irresponsible acts can cause serious loss or harm to an organization, its employees and its customers. That is why it's everyone's responsibility to help prevent these activities and preserve our culture of integrity. You can help us by speaking up if you have concerns regarding any of the businesses or operations of Principal Financial Group, including Principal Asset Management Berhad. Situations should pertain to:
• Fraud, such as forgery, theft, embezzlement, identity theft, misuse of company assets
• Ethics and compliance issues, such as financial reporting, insider trading, antitrust regulations, conflict of interest, or misrepresentation
• Bribery
• Data Privacy Violations/Cybersecurity Event, such as the unauthorized access to and/or disclosure of sensitive or personally identifiable information.
Report Fraud or Unethical Conduct
As a leader in the financial services industry, we take seriously our obligation to customers and our global communities to conduct business in a legal and ethical manner. This ranges from protecting our customers from increased costs associated with fraudulent activities to conducting ourselves in a manner that enhances public trust and confidence in the Principal Financial Group® and the financial services industry.
No company is immune from the risk of unethical conduct or fraudulent activity. In accordance with regulations, it is our responsibility to take appropriate action when these situations are suspected or may occur.
Our company does not tolerate, and takes aggressive action against, unethical conduct or fraud whether perpetrated by employees, customers, vendors, those who sell our products or others.
Submit this form to report fraud, criminal activity or ethical concerns. To use, select “Report” and select “Singapore” from the country dropdown and proceed with completing the online form with the necessary information. You have the ability to remain anonymous or provide your contact information.
Our Policy of No Retaliation
No company is immune from the risk of unethical conduct or fraudulent activity. It is our responsibility to take appropriate action when these situations are suspected or may occur. Our company does not tolerate, and takes aggressive action against, unethical conduct or fraud whether perpetrated by employees, customers, vendors, those who sell our products, or others. Additionally, the company confirms its long-standing policy against retaliation for reports of any type of suspected unethical or fraudulent activity when made in good faith.
EthicsPoint does not track visitors to this web site. You can choose to provide your name or remain anonymous where permitted by data privacy laws.
Even though EthicsPoint takes every report we receive seriously, we are not an emergency service. Please contact your local emergency services if you need to report a critical situation.