Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF

Fund Performance

As at date : 31-05-2023
Year To Date Performance (%) 1Year (%) 3Year (%) 5year (%) Since Inception (%) NAV (USD) Fund Size (million)
Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF 0.93% -8.27% 7.78% -16.29% -0.94% 0.6535 17.97
Benchmark 1.28% -6.79% 13.80% -8.71% 26.85%
Benchmark : S&P Ethical Pan Asia Select Dividend Opportunities Index

General Information

Investment Objective

The investment objective of the Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF is to provide investment results that, before expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the S&P Ethical Pan Asia Select Dividend Opportunities Index.

Fund Details

How to investTo invest in the Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF, simply place an order to buy or sell units during the trading day through a broker or any of the share trading services offered by Singapore banks on the SGX-ST. It is similar to purchasing or selling shares listed on the SGX-ST. All transactions are conducted on willing buyer willing seller basis.
Fees and charges 

Fees and charges payable by investors in dealing in units in the Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF on the SGX-ST are summarized as follows:

Subscription/ Redemption fee :Nil
Brokerage Commission* :Market rates. Investors will bear brokerage fees charged by their stock brokers.
Clearing fee* :Currently the clearing fee for trading units on the SGX-ST is at the rate of 0.05 per cent of the transaction value, subject to a maximum of S$200 per transaction.

*Subject to goods and service tax ("GST") of 7% (effective 1 July 2007) on brokerage commissions and clearing fees. 


Parties involved in the Principal S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF are:

ManagerPrincipal Asset Management (S) Pte. Ltd.
TrusteeCiticorp Trustee (Singapore) Limited
CustodianCitibank N.A., Singapore Branch
Participating Dealer
  1. Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities Pte Ltd
  2. DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd
  3. Goldman Sachs Futures Pte Ltd
  4. CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd
  5. ​​​​​Flow Traders Asia Pte Ltd
Designated Market MakerPhillip Securities Pte Ltd.


Key Data

Tracked IndexS&P Ethical Pan Asia Select Dividend Opportunities Index
Listing Date8 March 2012
Exchange ListingSingapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST)
Trading Board Lot100 units
Trading CurrenciesPrimary currency: US dollars (US$); and
Secondary currency: Singapore dollars (S$)
Distribution of IncomeAnnually or more frequently (if any)
Initial Issue Price per UnitUSD1.00
Reuters CodePrimary currency counter (US$): CISA.SI
Secondary currency counter (S$): CISA-D.SI
Bloomberg CodePrimary currency counter (US$): CIMBDVD SP 
Secondary currency counter (S$): CIMBDVDS SP
ISIN CodeSG2E57979584
SGX-ST Counter Name (Stock Code)Primary currency counter (US$): CIMB APAC Div 100US$ (P5P)
Secondary currency counter (S$): CIMB APAC Div 100S$D (QR9)